SPC vs WPC Flooring: Which Is Better?

Nov 06 , 2020

Yaniv Zah

When WPC (wood plastic composite) flooring hit the market a few years ago, it was a major upgrade to existing luxury vinyl plank LVP products. It had two main advantages over other laminate floorings: it was more durable, and it was 100% waterproof, making it suitable in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, where laminate and vinyl floors generally aren't recommended.

Now there's a new kid on the block: SPC (stone plastic composite) flooring. Let's take a look at SPC versus WPC flooring and which is best.

First, They Have A Lot In Common

Let's first look at the features SPC and WPC share, because there are quite a few and the two are actually more similar than they are different.

Both SPC and WPC flooring:

  • Are 100% waterproof
  • Have 4 layers: wear, print, core, and backing
  • Are more durable than traditional LVP flooring
  • Come in a huge range of colors, styles, thicknesses, lengths, and widths
  • Have a realistic wood look and optional embossing to mimic wood grain texture
  • Have tongue and groove interlocking design that allows it to be "floated" over uneven subfloors
  • Are easily installed by DIYers
  • Does not expand or contract in varying temperatures; no expansion gap required
  • Are low-maintenance. Simply sweep or vacuum and mop. No special cleaner needed.

So What's The Difference?

WPC flooring traditionally had a core of wood pulp or wood flour mixed with plasticizers, polyvinyl chloride, and a foaming agent. Now, more manufacturers are completely eliminating the wood products in favor of wood-like plasticizers.

SPC flooring has a core of around 60% limestone powder, polyvinyl chloride, and plasticizers. Without the additional fillers and foaming agents, SPC planks are much thinner than WPC or other LVP floors. Thicknesses generally range from 3.2mm to 7mm

How do the different cores affect performance?

Durability - SPC is the clear winner when it comes to durability and dent and scratch resistance. While WPC is far more durable than its laminate predecessors, it is still more likely to dent on impact due to the softer core. SPC is virtually indestructible, making it ideal for heavy-traffic commercial spaces.

Comfort - WPC is the winner when it comes to comfort due to the thicker planks and foaming agent in the core that adds some comfort and flexibility. SPC can feel like standing on stone to some people.

Sound - While both products are better at absorbing sound than other laminate flooring products, WPC has a slight edge over SPC simply because the foaming agents create a cushion that absorbs sound better. Many SPC manufacturers offer an acoustic backing that can reduce noise, which is helpful in noisy, high-traffic commercial spaces like lobbies, meeting rooms, and classrooms.

Price - Like all types of flooring, both WPC and SPC have a wide range of pricing. Many factors affect price, including thickness, backing type, wear layer thickness, and color (darker planks require more ink during the printing process). However, SPC tends to be cheaper than WPC due to having fewer materials in the core.

Which Is The Better Choice?

Unless you're standing on the floor all day, we think SPC flooring is the clear winner for both residential and commercial applications. With SPC, you get all the advantages of WPC plus enhanced durability -- at a lower price point!

Xtrancore offers South Florida professionals wholesale SPC, laminate, and tile flooring pricing. Schedule an appointment at our Hallandale warehouse to see our SPC flooring for yourself and set up your wholesaler account!